7th Grade Literacy

This page will contain current homework assignments for this class/subject. The most current assignments will be the ones at the top. You may post comments or questions to this page, which will appear at the bottom of this page.

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3/21-due NEXT MONDAY  vocabulary words

Assignment correction-EVERYBODY must do the sentence activity.  Grammar & punctuation must be as error free as possible-the EXPLORE test is coming, and students will be assessed on grammar.  This will effect their HIGH SCHOOL selection!

If you need a definition or need to hear the word pronounced go to:  http://dictionary.reference.com/

Words-prefix re/again or back

prefix-sym, syn/together or the same


3/11-make up/extra credit literacy work (assignments without specific due dates will be due no later than next Friday)

Extra Credit/Make Up Credit Assignments-Room 213

Option #1: Pick an extra SRA card or complete a card that you did not turn in. Turn it in on Monday, March 14th. The grade you get will replace your lowest reading homework grade or a missing assignment.

Option #2: Read Rikki-tikki-tavi in your purple textbook. Do the following assignments-each one will be worth make up or extra credit: 

1. Read the story and schedule a time to take a comprehension test after school. The test will be given on the 16th, 17th or 18th. This will replace your lowest homework or test grade in literacy.

2. Read the story and create a plot map on paper or on a powerpoint. This will replace your lowest homework or test grade in literacy.

3. Read the story and answer the following question in extended response format. This will replace your lowest extended response grade.

Pick a character trait of one of the main characters (Choose either Rikki, Nag, Nagaina). Describe one of their character traits and how that trait helped them or hurt them in the story. Be sure to make a connection to another character, event, experience, etc.. 2 page minimum .

Option #3: Send me an e-mail to jaskocilich@cps.edu no later than 6:00 PM on Sunday, March 13th to request that a Study Island test be set up for you. The tests will be set up on Sunday evening. You may request up to 2 assignments. All extra credit Study Island assessments must be completed no later than Wednesday, March 16th.



Angela said...

Hello Mr. S,

I'm so happy to have you instructing my son again this year! He really grew up in your class last school year and I am looking forward to more growth this year!

Thanks for all of the communication it really helps me keep track of the many assignments you give your students.

Welcome new parents you're going to love Mr. S! Well.... most of the time :-)

Angela Beckham

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