Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Flag Football & Student Council

Student Council Applications are due on Thursday, 9/23.

Flag football permission forms were passed out today as well. They are due back on the date indicated on the form.

Basketball Tournament

From one of our 7th grade parents, he wanted to pass this along:

Sixth Grace Presbyterian Church Barbershop Rap; BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT September 25, 11A.M. UNTIL 5:00 P.M.

Second annual Basketball Tournament for boys ages 10-16. This is a one day event. The last man standing gets the trophy! Youth must commit to attending our Barbershop Rap Sessions on the fourth Monday of each month; at the Sixth Grace Church 600 E. 35th Street at 5:30 p.m.

Contact Clifton Wilkes @ 773-484-0142 or Rev. Bernard Clark @ 312-804-9659 For more Information

Friday, September 17, 2010

Support for the Carter Family!

As many of you know, Bria Carter (former Pershing West student and sister of 7th grade student, Brooke Carter) has spent the last year fighting the battle against bone cancer. She has undergone countless chemo-therapy treatments and had her leg amputated from the knee down last spring. The prosthetic leg the Carter's would like to get for Bria costs $40,000, and is not covered by insurance. Please help us spread the word about the donation website created to support the Carter's. Any support you can give is greatly appreciated by the Carter Family!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Room 213 Book Clubs-1st/2nd Quarter

Students have until Monday, September 27nd to obtain a copy of the book of their choice, otherwise they will be placed into a book club and read a novel that has already been preselected! At that point, students will NOT be allowed to join any of the other groups. Students are encouraged to pick a book with 1-2 friends, as groups of less than 3 people will not be allowed and students in those groups will need to choose another book.
Students can either obtain a copy from the library (which is one reason why having library cards is manditory this year) or they can purchase a new or used one. Students were shown how to reserve a book on line at the Chicago Public Library. Below are links to each of the books if you wish to purchase one.

Chasing the Falconers, by Gordan Korman (easy/moderate)

The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins (moderate to difficult)

Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of 'The Iliad', by Rosemary Sutcliff (moderate)

Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick (moderate to difficult)

Cirque du Freak: A Living Nightmare (easy to moderate)

Friday, September 10, 2010

High School Fair-Tuesday, Sept. 14th

Parents and students, please try to attend the PW high school fair on Tuesday, Sept. 14. It goes from 4-6 P.M., and there will be many good high schools from around the city there to talk to you! 7th graders should be starting to consider what schools or types of programs they will be applying for next year.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Where to find assignments.

From now on, all assignments can be found on their respective class pages. This page will be reserved for announcements and other "special" things.


Remember, all contact info sheets for ALL grades are due on Friday, 9/10.

Classroom supplies-there are quite a few students who have not brought in their classroom supplies (paper towels, hand sanitizer, tissue). When the classroom supplies are gone, the school will not supply these things to the classrooms. Please make sure your son/daughter brings in their classroom supplies.

Free/reduced lunch forms and free dental exam forms were passed out Tuesday. Please make sure your child brings them back ASAP.


Mr. S

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homework 9/7


Contact information sheets-Due Friday (this is a graded assignment!)

Picture writing assignment (see previous post)-Due Friday

Social Studies:


Monday, September 6, 2010

Picture board assignment

Bulletin Board Assignment-and you thought you would only have to bring a picture in for an A?

Surprise! :)

Due Friday, September 10th

Follow these simple steps for an “A” on one of your first literacy assignments!
1. Print out or send me a picture of one of your memorable experiences from this summer.
2. Write a 1-2 paragraph explanation of what the picture is showing and why this was an important or memorable event or experience to you. (If you do not bring in or send me a picture by Thursday, September 9th, the writing requirement increases to a 2 page summary of a memorable event from this summer-bring in those pictures! NO EXCEPTIONS, unless I have a written note from a parent explaining why bringing or sending in a picture is not possible.)
3. Based on our classroom discussion, what challenges do you think will be the most difficult or demanding this year? Please be specific and write at least 1-2 DETAILED paragraphs in response to this question.
4. Type or NEATLY write your two responses and attach your picture to it. You may decorate this in any way that you want. Remember, this will be graded, AND it will be posted in the hallway for all to see! You want to show the best of yourself to your classmates and the school.

Picture: Picture is clear and large enough to use for the assignment.
10 points:____________
Picture Explanation: Explanation is clear and detailed. Explanation gives a clear description of what is going on in the picture and why it was important. Explanation has few, if any, spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.
10 points:____________
Challenge Explanation: Explanation is clear and detailed. Explanation gives a clear description of the challenge you expect to face this year. Explanation has few, if any, spelling, grammar, or punctuation mistakes.
10 points:____________
Neatness/Creativity: Student takes care to create a piece of work that is neat and visually pleasing
10 points:____________