Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Room 213 Book Clubs-1st/2nd Quarter

Students have until Monday, September 27nd to obtain a copy of the book of their choice, otherwise they will be placed into a book club and read a novel that has already been preselected! At that point, students will NOT be allowed to join any of the other groups. Students are encouraged to pick a book with 1-2 friends, as groups of less than 3 people will not be allowed and students in those groups will need to choose another book.
Students can either obtain a copy from the library (which is one reason why having library cards is manditory this year) or they can purchase a new or used one. Students were shown how to reserve a book on line at the Chicago Public Library. Below are links to each of the books if you wish to purchase one.

Chasing the Falconers, by Gordan Korman (easy/moderate)

The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins (moderate to difficult)

Black Ships Before Troy: The Story of 'The Iliad', by Rosemary Sutcliff (moderate)

Freak the Mighty, by Rodman Philbrick (moderate to difficult)

Cirque du Freak: A Living Nightmare (easy to moderate)

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